PARAMED+ Extended Health Insurance

We have the largest selection of health insurance products available. Including some that are EXCLUSIVE to Odyssey. We are committed to your health.



Our public health insurance plan only covers so many things.

Why not protect yourself adequately against accidents and illnesses that could result in substantial costs that won’t be covered by the government?  

In addition, many preventive care, alternative and private medicine expenses will never be reimbursed by the government.

PARAMED+ protects you, and covers the vast majority of expenses that are not supported by any government plans.  It thus reduces the cost impact of an illness or accident on your financial situation.

Treat yourself to the most FLEXIBLE, AFFORDABLE and EXTENSIVE plan in the country!

Click here and for a direct PARAMED+ health and dental quote and contact one of our representatives to learn more about our other protections.

PARAMED+ extended health insurance

  • Single, single-parent, couple or family plan;

  • 5 health and travel insurance options;

  • 2 dental insurance options.

A picture is worth a thousand words!

Click here to access the information brochure.

Paramed +